Friday, December 15, 2006

American Tabloid

Looking for Answers
And denying events
This journey portends
So it begins;

This mixture of love and fear
The tireless industry of culture and sin

Sex scandals and race riots
Fast-food, pornography,
Death among the poppies.

The lone-gunman is adrift
Amidst the communal sea
Of discontent and conspiracy.

Into the green walled city apart from the city;
Its heat comes from another sun,
The generators drummed up.

A city without context;
A free-fire zone.

The line of victims march to resolve
Strange arrangements and relations
In morality's tense denials;
The culture warped, a dementia of fire.

The comfortable fictions we read into our lives;
A quality of being human stressing the gap
Between Truth, lies and the torturors rap.

God's murder is not our distraction;
Slumming and patronizing
Delighting only in His special effects.

Halcyon summer;
Some release from the tense meld
The plastic sex and showers
In ward rooms of the city.

This bitter remembrance;
War is our chaos
We Love how we love
To misunderstand ourselves
Standing behind the gun.

IED's at apogee;
Shower of sparks
At once over this
And all other cities.

Where -

The tracks are lines of rust;
The trains have departed
With the gestating amputees
Into the blistered tumors of range
In the luminosity.

I will listen to astrology;
Can you turn off my TV?

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