Friday, December 15, 2006

Notes on Pynchon

Like some damp and mossy Tokyo stomping monster
He comes from and returns to the sea
The model cities of lies and paranoia
Reconstructed in time for the next rising

Nordhausen byway of Zoo Station
Bone scattered rocket caves, the crunching descent
Surreal news on reality, a virtual history

Linear gravity grooves,
The roads, the encoded signs, the toll of media
Tunnels through to the falling towers.

It is guileless, your rush from the past
Avoid the petty guilts, the Marx, the murder of poets.

Your rooms are filled like an infobahn architect
The visual autopsy, here you surf alone
And sit the mind, resistor the body
No place here for silk, or women;
The irrational fears of smooth intimacies.

Surrogate and symbol
Remind them; your existence
Ancient forests will burn, rage in force
From your suns distant energy.

You have stellar pre-destination
There are no dreams;
On your empty edge of the universe
All the stars have been counted.

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